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The Redevelopment Ready Market Checklist
Get the inside scoop on the redevelopment-specific market research you need to confidently assess your market's redevelopment readiness.
Run-of-the mill real estate analysis for basic rentals just won't cut it.
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Hi, I'm Katie -
full-time flipper turned downtown developer in my hometown Bryan, TX.
Thanks for joining me on my mission to revive Main Street USA, one market at a time, using real estate redevelopment strategies that work to build wealth for you AND your community.
Steal my strategy for building a $15M portfolio of residential, commercial, and mixed used buildings, using both build to sell and build to rent models.
The best part of your new real estate strategy?
You get to match profits with passion.
Seriously y'all, nothing beats seeing a town you care about grow and thrive because of opportunity you build.